Frequently Asked Questions

What are your rates?

Elopements begin from $1800 for Elopement Weddings and $2450 for smaller weddings. Contact me if you’d like to include some information regarding your wedding and I will happily send you Package details or we can tailor a package for you.

Can we meet to discuss our day?

Yes, by all means! We can arrange either a Zoom meeting or an in-person meeting. Any excuse for a coffee chat! It’s great to hear your vision for your day, and we can check out if we’d all be a great fit for each other. Once the date is all locked in and booked we can get to the planning, and I can make some great suggestions as to what can work well so you can make the best use of your day and incorporate all you want to incorporate into your wedding day and photography.

By booking you do you require a deposit?

Yes. To secure a date, there is a non-refundable $1000 booking fee that secures your date and covers the booking process. To provide a top service for my clients and to keep that work/life balance, I take a limited number of weddings per season.

How long do we have you for on the day?

My packages have been designed so you can choose which photographic coverage you would like.
There’s nothing worse than feeling rushed on your day, as sometimes things don’t go according to plan. For this reason I don’t want you to put time restraints on your day. I’ve included approximate time frames on my Packages.

What about if we want more than one location covered?

I will congratulate you on your sense of adventure!

What if we want to change the order of events, like doing our photography session before the ceremony and include a ‘first look’?

Quite a few are opting for this due to wanting to spend more time with their guests. I can tailor a package to suit your needs. This is best discussed before plans are set in place as I can go over the pros and cons and throw ideas your way.

How many photos do we get?

Depending on the coverage you have chosen, usually between 500 – 900 images.

How do we receive our photos?

Via an online Queensberry gallery where you can download/share with your loved ones. There is the option to print through Queensberry also – this is entirely optional. Personalized presentation boxes with a collection of Colour and Black and White printed images are available and included in some packages. 

Who owns the copyright of the images?

This is a good question. I own the copyright, but you and your loved ones are free to print as you like; where you like; distribute to friends and family members and across social media.

How long will it take for us to receive our wedding images?

The turn-around time is usually between 3 – 4 weeks. Depending on the time of year this may extend a little longer but if this is the case I will have discussed this with you. Within a few days of your wedding you will receive a private online gallery of select images of your day you can share with family and friends.

Do we need a second photographer?

I’ve been shooting weddings for years solo, and most of my packages are for just one photographer (myself), so I’ve let this be an additional extra for my clients. But if you opt for a second photographer, this can enhance aspects of your photography on the day. Probably best to speak this over in person and I can make some suggestions as to what works really well. All my second shooters are qualified (and really great) wedding photographers in their own right …. I’m pretty particular about who I use.

We HATE to pose, and we don’t take a good photos – help!

Brilliant. I like to hear this as it means you are normal. I get this a lot, and I actually LOVE hearing you don’t want to ‘pose’! When we begin our photo session, I’m looking to capture you being yourselves. I’ll pop you in a spot with pretty light and (if needed) give you some gentle direction. I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve for letting you be yourselves and looking great at the same time. I love, like absolutely LOVE, the frequent comment I get when couples receive their images is: “How did you get us to look so good? – And we were actually having fun”! That, to me, is what it’s all about.
Are you still thinking, “no Rochelle, you’re not getting it. We take terrible photos no matter if we’re having fun or not”! There will be a good reason for this, and I can explain when we meet strategies that work well. In all honesty, as photographers, there is a lot we can do to help our clients out. If you are really unsure, talk to me about an engagement session. It’s a great way to discover that getting your photo taken doesn’t have to be excruciating and to discover we can get some great results.

What are your thoughts on an unplugged wedding?

I think this comes back to: Do you think it will be necessary with your guests? Do you feel they may be inclined to witness your wedding from behind a device? What some are failing to realize is they are missing out on sharing the moment with YOU. I love capturing eye-watering moments, but when an expression is hidden behind a device, everyone is missing out. So if you think this may be your guests, by all means, announce you’d like it to be unplugged (or) ask your celebrant to announce if everyone could be considerate of other guests and the photographers. Saying this, sometimes there is good reason for a device to be there – someone who can’t attend your wedding is witnessing it live – this, I think is very cool! ☺

Do we need to feed you on the day?

If you have opted for coverage through the late hours and I’m there over your dinner, this question is often wondered, but no one likes to ask. My take on it is I make a mean potato salad and have no problem with bringing my own dinner and having a wee picnic in my car while you are dining. By the time we get to your dinner, I’ve been on the go for sometimes up to 7 or 8 hours, so I will take a short break myself. Sometimes dinner is happily allocated by the venue and of course, it’s greatly appreciated.  But I’d be mortified if by providing me with dinner, I have stopped you from inviting ‘cousin Joe‘. If however, you don’t get along with ‘cousin Joe‘ I’m not going to refuse a thoughtfully provided meal. I do ask if a vendor meal is not being provided for whatever reason to let me know so I can make alternative plans.

What happens if our wedding cannot go ahead because of Covid restrictions?

When a wedding cannot proceed due to a government-enforced mandate, I will allow a postponement to a date I am available. This is ONLY if the wedding cannot proceed according to the original agreed date. All the details are in my contract. Booking fees are non-refundable.

We are planning our wedding from overseas – can we Zoom meet?

Actually, I would love this – you’ve got to feel right about your photographer and make sure we’re all the right fit for each other.

Do you have more questions?
By all means, feel free to give me a call, email or have a meeting, and we can discuss your day.